Sunday, June 26, 2011

LA Trip: Day 2

I swear our stay gets better and better. We set out for South Coast Plaza (stopped for some ramen beforehand!), which is this awesome mall with tons of shopping, from low to high end stores! Oh how I'd love to return one day and actually be able to afford the Gucci, the LV, etc etc.

There was one creepy incident though.. while we were stopped at a gas station, trying to figure out the directions, some dude comes up to our window and asks for some money for some gas. $2? Sorry.. no. How about 50 cents? Sorry.. *roll up window and drive off*. We went to another gas station nearby. Stopped to figure out the directions some more, and just as we got it figured out, there's someone coming up to our window again. Lo and behold, it's the same damn guy! Holy crap we just drove off and left him in the dust. We were like.. how the hell did he get here so fast? Is he a freaken zombie? Then we laughed it off, as it was quite eerily funny haha.

But anyway! We are staying the night at Kelly's family friend's house tonight, as we're going to Disneyland tomorrow. Their house in Aliso Viejo is nice, their son Daniel is super entertaining, and what else was awesome was that they knew what beaches we had to hit up! They took us to Laguna Beach, which is drop dead beautiful. We watched the sunset, decided that this was the place to get married at, and took a bunch of photos to capture this memory.

Poor lady trying to squish by Daniel there..

There are some $20+ million homes by the beach... *jaw drops*

Catching the sunset!

I'm in love! You just can't say no to this place!

We had a buffet after at this Asian place. I miss Vancouver Asian-style food though! It's definitely a lot more authentic tasting back home. 

At Uncle Paul's house, we all had our palms read. He's been doing it for 30 years, and some of the things he said about us, we could all agree on, which was pretty amazing to hear. I've never had my palm read, and had no idea what to expect. Your palm is constantly changing though, so I wonder what it would say about me maybe 5 years down the road..

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