Saturday, November 1, 2014

Eyelash extensions in Myeongdong, Seoul

How shameful it would be for me to leave Seoul without getting some sort of beauty procedure done... I opted for eyelash extensions! I had them done in Vancouver at Crest and Crown a few days before we left on our trip. By the time we had our wedding, I had them for about a week and a half. Boy, was I ever relieved after that! I kept worrying that my lashes would fall off with the heat, and would not last until the wedding! But I guess the girls did an amazing job, and fallout was minimal.

My husband and I scoured places in Myeongdong where I could get them done. I needed somewhere that spoke English, and that was a bit challenging! There was a place in the Hotel J-Hill area, but they had no time to do them that day. Another high-end place charged 80 000+ won! I was not about to pay that much when I knew there were cheaper places. I settled for Tiara Nail Art. They mostly do manicures, but they do have a separate room for lash extensions. Oh yes, cleanliness was another criteria. We found a place that only charged 30,000 won, but it was just 2 middle aged ladies in a small room, and they had a dog running around there, with a bed just sitting in the corner of this tiny room. Yikes! That was a red flag.

Anyway, Tiara Nail Art was quite busy, so I had to make an appointment and come back in the evening. Since I did not have a Korean phone number to leave with her, I had to leave a 10,000 won deposit. The girl spoke minimal English, but it was good enough to understand. 

I had the option for using silk lashes for 40,000 won, or mink lashes (can't recall for how much more they were! I think about 60,000 won...) I went for the silk ones. She removed my old lashes free of charge, but usually they would charge another 5,000 won for doing so. There was no limit on the number of lashes she put on either!

The experience was decent, and she even let my husband take a nap on one of the other beds while he waited! Poor guy haha. 

This is the finished look!

For $40, I really couldn't complain. I was pretty happy with the results! They lasted quite some time as well. Even after a whole month, people still complimented  my lash extensions!