Thursday, June 20, 2013

It's a Wedge Obsession

Lately I've been obsessing over wedges. They're just so cute, and easier to walk in than stiletto heels. Perfect for the summer!

Over the weekend, Aldo had a promo for an extra 15% off of their sale shoes. It's hard not to check out sales on websites when it's so easy to do so with the click of the button! Plus, for those of you who haven't shopped with Aldo, they have what a call a "forever return policy". (who cares if that doesn't sound's the terms of the policy that matters!) Basically, you can return the product whenever you want! Even if it's a year later (which I have done lol) as long as you've got the receipt, the box, and the unworn, new condition pair of shoes. How awesome is that? You can return your online purchases to the physical store too. Personally, I don't buy online from stores if I'm unable to return the product back to the brick-and-mortar store. Who wants to be forking out postage money to return goods anyway... and we all know Canada Post ain't cheap!

Anyway, these were the styles I chose that qualified for the extra discount:

Toomer in black

Toomer in brown

Dalvida in beige

Dalvida in light green

Yes.. they're the same shoes, different colors. WHO CARES!!! I wanted to snag them up for cheap before the sizes went out. If you're able to return it, I like to exercise the "buy now and think later" rule. Snag it up for cheap while you still can! These all retail $70, and I picked them up for $34 + tax. Not bad right? My Toomers arrived on Tuesday, which was super quick since I placed the order later afternoon on Saturday. I'm in love with them! They're a 5 inch heel with 2 inch platform. The straps make it feel super secure on your feet, they're light, and super easy to talk in. Argh! I can't decide which color to keep. My light green Dalvida arrived this evening. I was just curious with the color. It wasn't a nice, pastel mint green. It was kind of a murky green. So I returned it 2 hours ago haha. I think the beige ones will be more promising =)

Black of brown? or both?

I placed an order on since they had a 45% off everything promotion. And yes, I bought another pair of wedges....

These ones were $16.50 after the discount. I just love the cute, blush pink color! I don't own a pair of espadrilles.. If this pair is crappy I shall comment haha *crosses fingers*

Hopefully this marks the end of my wedge shopping.. My credit card needs a break T_T

Update: The beige Dalvidas arrived today, and they will be going straight back to the the store. The little tie strap that's supposed to secure the end of the strap around your ankle was broken for one of the shoes! I found it in the box, and I could probably sew it back on.. but since it broke off, that just means that it's not made very well. In fact, the green one had a similar problem, except that the broken piece wasn't even in the box. How disappointing! The wedges are cute, and pretty comfortable, but when I walk in them, it feels as if something might break if I'm not too careful... That just won't do! So I wouldn't really recommend these shoes. Save your money!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Review: Michael Todd Eye-o-Sonic

Time for another beauty product review! Many beauty YouTubers have been raving about Michael Todd products for quite some time now. I was never super duper interested in trying them out, just because they aren't the cheapest out there, and I'm unable to sample the goods before forking out the money. But I was especially drawn to the eye-o-sonic eye serum infuser when I first heard about it! As I get older, I'm trying to take steps to take care of my skin a lot better, and well, prevent it from ageing so quickly! The skin around the eyes are super delicate, and care must be taken to ensure that you don't develop those fine lines and crows feet while you're still relatively young. This beauty tool claimed to help with just that, so I had to give it a try! Lucky for me, Michael Todd was having a sale on this item. It was $49 with the tool AND the Intensive Organic Cream Eye Treatment (15 ml). The duo is normally $107!! On top of that, I searched online for coupon codes, and found one that gave me another 20% off. Who doesn't love to save?

This is what the back of the box says
I've been using it for over a month now, and I have to say that this definitely beats having to put on your eye cream with your finger. It's a nice, soothing feeling using the eye-o-sonic, and it makes application of your cream super easy. I feel like I can get more use from my cream (and if your cream isn't cheap, then this presents some sort of savings for you!), because the product won't absorb into your finger since you're not using it. You don't even have to get your fingers dirty with this, as you can simply place your cream onto the head of the tool, and apply it to your skin. I do like how it vibrates as soon as it touches your skin, though having an on/off switch wouldn't make too much of a difference to me. Sometimes, I find that it is quite sensitive, and starts to vibrate as soon as I pick it up.

I would highly recommend the eye-o-sonic if you're someone that uses eye cream. I would pick it up when there's some sort of sale going on though. Last week, I saw one of those Groupon type sites with the duo combo for only $25 plus shipping! At first I was bummed at how much cheaper it was than what I paid for it, but then I realized that it was only a USA deal. Oh well! Michael Todd frequently has promos, so do wait if you want to save $20 or more, depending on what promo they decide to put on. Oh, and for Canadian shoppers, you don't have to pay customs or any duty fees from ordering Michael Todd goodies! Who hates paying those darn duty fees?

To end off, I'll leave you with photos of my two men, sharing a seat. Sharing is caring! Don't ask me why Snoopy's tongue is sticking out. He seems to be sporting that look a lot more recently... It's turning into his signature look lol.

Making full use of that arm rest

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Calling All Mint Chocolate Lovers!

Back from yet another hiatus.. Now that summer is coming along, hopefully I'll find more time to update this little blog site! Looking to add some more useful reviews to help those of you who love shopping like me!

Many ladies would know that currently, Bath and Body Works is having their semi-annual sale! I made 2 purchases already on 2 separate occasions, and the sale only started on Wednesday... But I promise, everything was very discounted! If you know me, you know I love a bargain and rarely buy items at the full, original retail price.

Anyway, this blog is dedicated to the Mint Chocolate 3-wick candle that I purchased just today. When I saw this in stores the first time, I didn't buy it because I wasn't sure how it would perform when it was burned. It smelled AMAZINGLY DELICIOUS out of the jar in the store (just like Yorks peppermints, or Andes mint chocolates) but I wanted to check out some of the reviews for the candle first before I added it to my shopping bag. Since I made the purchase, you can pretty much guess that the reviews I read were good...

Now onto my own review for this candle. I am an avid mint chocolate lover. Icecream, chocolate, mousse cakes... if it's mint chocolate, you know I want it! If you're like me, and you take a whiff of this in stores, you will instantly find yourself trying to breathe in as much of this product as possible. It's THAT good!

Here it is a couple of minutes after I lit it up, sitting happily on top of my Alex unit from Ikea. that the boyfriend recently surprised me with =)
I wanted to try it out tonight to see if it burns well. When I first lit it, you don't instantly smell it in your room right away. I was a little surprised, because I always thought that the 3-wick candles would carry a stronger scent and would be more suitable for larger, open areas, instead of small bedroom. The scent wasn't very strong... which means it wont be nauseating when you're burning it in your room =). When I left my room briefly and came back in, that's when I really noticed the smell a lot more. And it's a very pleasant smell! You will notice the chocolate, but the mint in it really makes it smell more unique, in a good way. It's not artificial smelling at all. Smells like you've got a batch of mint chocolates in your room! The flames dance really high for this one!

For anyone that's been to Thailand.. notice the Thai Iced Tea cup in the background? We found a vendor at the Richmond Night Market that brewed them! Soooo good... totally missing Bangkok right now especially...

I didn't light it for very long (maybe only 30 minutes tops) but I'm sure if I burned it for longer, the pool would have evened out a bit better. Before the wax hardened up, I took a whiff of the candle, and that's when you realllllllly get a good sniff of the mint chocolate scent. mmmmmmm.....

So, the verdict is, that you do really have to grab this one if you like the scent of it from the jar. Or if you're ordering online, if you love mint chocolate, then you will love this too! I think I'm going to pick up some more before they disappear..

Right now I kind of want to purchase a candle warmer. I heard that the scent gets released a lot better when you use one. The only thing is, I'm not sure if I can find a candle warmer that will be big enough to fit this one...and I'm hesitant to mutilate this candle and break it into chunks to place onto a candle warmer...

Anyway, this is actually the first candle I've burned from BBW. I do have a few other ones sitting around, but I guess I'm not nearly as excited about those as I am with this one =)