Monday, August 17, 2009

Bloedel Conservatory

And another week has gone by.. the end of August is nearing!! Which means good bye to good weather soon..

Today Chain and I went to Queen Elizabeth Park. We wanted to check out the Bloedel Conservatory and see the birds they have in there. I've been there before when I was super super young, and I didn't recall which birds they had in there at all lol. Anyway, we saw a few birds there pretty upclose. We were close enough to touch the blue and gold macaw, but the sign said not to! one bite and there goes your HAND!! Afterwards, we went to the pond there to feed the ducks. They were all crazy over the bread and crackers lol. I'm sure a lot of people feed those ducks, so they must be well fed all the time.

Some pictures of the few birdies we saw today!


Carmen and Maria!





Art..isn't he gorgeous


These were busy grooming themselves so I couldn't get a good shot of them